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Corporate Training: Non Manipulative Sales Skills, Team Building, Coaching, Seminars
Customised Training Books The Are of War Interactive Seminar Influencing With Integrity Noble May Internet Marketing Highly Effective Communication Managfement Coporate DNS, The Colour Colde

Training for 2024 that works with today’s highly aware clients.

In 2015 when companies seek sales or management training that's 'new' and 'different' most often they mean skills training that ‘works’ - training that 'lasts'! - training that is tailored specifically to their product, business and industry.

The Language of Selling and Influencing with Integrity are precisely that - Its training which teaches deliberately what your top producers are doing instinctively - fast tracking the skill level of the new or poor performers to the skill set of the best - and making the best better!

It is the only major paradigm shift in sales skills training in the past 100 years – teaching non manipulative skills which work when dealing with today’s highly aware and skilled client’s.

This is training that will set your people apart from the rest of the field. 

Some of the 600 clients we have worked with world wide - Click for client comments and references


Below are excerpts from experienced professionals on Results Achieved

“It is 8 months since we implemented the program. We are astonished at the results. Our market share went from 52% to 67%. Our competitors are lost to counter this initiative an incredible result! We continue to see growth. Our team have enthusiastically adopted the Focused Language
National Sales Mgr: Schering Plough Australia

“Every sales training seminar I attended in the past 28 years has been a waste of time – until now! This is the most effective training I or any of our 48 attendees have ever experienced. The ONLY way to sell today.  Our team’s skill level has fast tracked beyond anything we could have imagined. The Noble May language & structures for every selling interaction are brilliant! Highly recommended to any organisation - apart from my competitors”                            
National Sales Mgr: Douglas Pharmaceuticals Australia

“What a wonderful sales tool you have given South West Airlines. This program really works! I highly recommend it. An integral part of South West Airlines Sales department. Every participant sends their appreciation for these valuable skills”
Sales Manager - South West Airlines USA

“My first thought was ‘this process is too good to be real. We trialed and then taught it to our entire National network across Australia, the reaction was fantastic. Our lower producers were delivering higher results immediately. Our top producers all agreed the structures and language taught sharpened and raised their skill levels, an outstanding training experience which we value highly. The extraordinary effectiveness of this program is well worth the cost”
National Sales Manager: Hunter Douglas Ltd


Our flagship programme The FOCUSED Language of Highly Effective Selling is the first Major Advance in Sales Training in the past 50 years (We have been teaching Sales Skills since 1967)

To this day, 22 October 2024 the extraordinary effectiveness of this program, when shown in a presentation to businesses we have approached has resulted in a 100% conversion ratio of presentation to client acceptance.

Every company we have shown this program to has adopted it as their selling methodology from 2 person brokerages to many of the World’s largest fortune 500’s in Australia, the USA, Asia, NZ and Europe.

Senior Management and Seasoned Sales Professionals, upon hearing sample word combinations, phrases. statements and questions within the Language of Selling Methodology Instantly see that we have discovered what many have been trying to achieve for decades, how to encapsulate the Instinctive Skills of top producers (Skills which they often can’t define and teach to others) and then blend this with precise, focused word combinations, phrases, statements and questions to create a PERFECT sales call for every selling interaction your sales people make.

Fast tracking the skill level of the poor performer to that of the best and making the best better !

If you believe that you know how to sell to today’s highly aware clients; let me assure you - it’s what you learn after you think you know it all that really counts.

The Language of Highly Effective Selling is genuine paradigm shifting material - hundreds of salespeople tell us the same thing after our training “I would never have believed there was anything that could make me so excited and show me a whole new way to sell”

We taught sales skills for over 30 years before evolving this incredible program which removes ALL random success in the sales cycle

It like discovering the Holy Grail of Selling!

George May: Managing Director: Sydney Australia


Training for 2024

In 2024 when companies seek sales training that's 'new' and 'different' most often they mean sales training that ‘works’. Sales training that 'lasts'! Sales training that is tailored specifically to their product, business and industry.

The Language of Selling and Influencing with Integrity are precisely that. It's sales training that works. It's sales training that lasts. It's sales training that's tailored to apply to your business and industry. And it's sales training that will set your sales people apart from the rest of the field.  

The reason?

  • The way its DESIGNED
  • The way its TAUGHT
  • The way its APPLIED
  • The way its FOLLOWED UP  

The Way It's Designed

National studies indicate that successful sales professionals are not necessarily those who are the best 'closers' or the most knowledgeable.

Top producing professionals are able to draw the buyer out by skilfully conducting a conversational sales interview.

With Influencing with Integrity methodology participants learn how to:

  • Maximise a client's internal buying motivation for their product
  • Eliminate the need for 'hard closing'
  • Remove the causes of objections
  • Eradicate the 'Failed sales call' syndrome
  • Replace call reluctance with call resurgence
  • Clarify product relevance to the clients objectives
  • Foster a partnership with the client
  • Set the stage for a precision crafted presentation.
  • Create predictable outcomes
  • Make finalising the sale easier

The Way It's Taught

Influencing with Integrity is taught in a one or two day,

fully interactive seminar. Participants are first taught a concept.

The words that translate concept into behaviour are then modelled,   after which the participants practice and apply case study, role play

 situations specifically tailored and customised to every selling

situation which they encounter.

The skills taught are mastered well enough to be taken from the

classroom to the field the same day!

The Way It's Applied

Based upon proven sales formula tried and tested with tens of thousands of sales people throughout Australia and the USA.

Influencing with Integrity  includes some specific language that enables application to any interaction between buyer and seller.

Every example and case study has been prepared to be totally focused on your products, selling environments and the real world that your sales people find themselves competing in.

With these tools - the salesperson can apply the appropriate parts of Influencing with Integrity  to each of their sales interactions:

The Way It's Followed Up

Appropriate follow- up is critical to the success of sales training. In Influencing with Integrity , participants receive tools that enable them to effectively adopt, adapt and recall the principles and skills learned.

Management is coached on how to install a systematic, ongoing, follow up mechanism that ensures regular and consistent instruction, feedback, and use of Influencing with Integrity .

Influencing with Integrity  - Skill Training that Works & Lasts!



  • •	George May’s Best Seller on Non Manipulative Sales George May’s Best Seller on Non Manipulative Sales Skills  Skills actives #1 Status with Australian Business press
  • Noble May wins prestigious training contract against Worldwide competition with Malaysia’s Multi Media Development Corporation to train over 600 Malaysian businesses on The Language of Selling and Influencing with Integrity training courses
  • Noble May opens training centre in the USA with the U.S entrepreneur of the year to instant success training over 10,000 salespeople on The Language of Selling in the first 3 months of operation.


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